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Mommie & Me Sweet Bonding Ceremony

A Sweet special bonding and healing time between Mothers and Daughters

2 hr
Reservation Request

Service Description

ALL ABOUT THIS WELLNESS SERVICE: Focus Points: Forgive, Heal, Thrive, Bond, Unite, And Grow Together As One! This is a Sweet special bonding and healing time between Mothers and Daughters. Mothers definitely need to spend quality time with their daughters, for laughs love and vibrant life! BeYoutiFull HEALTH BENEFITS: This is a Self Love and Self Care Wholistic Health and Wellness bonding ritual for mothers and daughters to have quality time where they meet together, heal, and build a stronger relationship! We have created a pampering session where both Queens get to sit down in harmony honoring one another and taking a day to Rest, Rejuvenate, Replenish and Restore themselves! This Womb healing practice provides a Sacred platform that can be used to work thru generational trauma, releasing unforgiveness as a collective family. United together Wombman are able to live their Best Lives with Divine Purpose and Destiny. DETOX WELLNESS SERVICES INCLUDE: SERVICE TIME: 2hrs *10 min Wellness Check-IN & Consultation *10 min “Breathe Sweet” Aromatherapy Oxygen Bar session (meditation breathing exercises) *35 min Self Love & Reflection Healing Session (Journal Recommended & Available) Mirror Moment, Affirmations, Mother Daughter Vows *5 min Selfie Tummie Infrared massage *45 min full Sweetsteam (Queen Mother) *30 min full Sweetsteam (Queen Princess up to 24 yrs old) (Queen Daughter over 24 yrs old; upgraded service charge) COMPLIMENTARY SWEET TREATS: 1 cup of herbal Detox-i-tea (hydration beverage) 1 herbal Sweet Vpourri detox tea blend to go 1 Acupunture on the go patch [OPTIONAL UPGRADE] Bee Venom Facial Treatment $25 per guest Ionic Foot Detox treatment $55 per guest Herbal Ear Candling detox $55 per guest COST OF WELLNESS SERVICE: $250.00 (Please be sure to complete online registration intake form before appointment) *Flexible spending account (FSA/HSA) Eligible Detox preparation details: Fully Hydrate 2hrs before VTox Detox session; avoid heavy mucus and sugar related foods and dress very comfortably with no makeup, lotions or oils on the skin as it blocks the pores from sweating absorbing and maximizing the “Sweetoxifying” benefits of the herbal cleanse. This is a sauna-like session please prepare for a full body sweat.

Cancellation Policy

All services require a 50% RSVP deposit at the time of booking. If a customer cancels their appointment by EMAIL 72hrs in advance for all individual & group services deposit will be refunded within 48 hours. All deposits with proper cancellation will be fully refunded within 48 hrs of the cancellation e-mailed ( request*. *First time Reschedule please call it will be handle on case by case basis.

Contact Details

  • SweetSpot Detox Wellness at Beya Salon Studios

    Beya Salon Studios - West End, White Street Southwest, Atlanta, GA, USA



VTox   Boutique and Wellness Studio

© 2023 by Live.Life.Luv. MarcLee LLC

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