Affordable, Beautiful, SOULFUL
Sweet and Wholistic Self Love
and Self Care maintenance...
OUR MISSION AND GOAL is to enlighten and dispel the taboo about The Ancient Healing Modality of Vaginal Steam and Self Care Hydrotherapy Wellness. This is one of many traditionalhealth and wellness services that other cultures consider as a self-healing practice that has been and still is used by indigenous people for centuries as body rejuvenation exercises and internal detox cleansing for the ultimate wellbeing of the body.
We do this, by offering Affordable, Beautiful, Sweet and Wholistic Self Love and Self Care maintenance. This is an ongoing self appointed pampering regimen for internal body and detoxifying preventive healthcare services.
These are well known cultural self-love and healing practices and traditions used mainly in Africa and the Eastern part of the world.
This is a phenomenal & sacred service we have made available to the local community to routinely participate in their own beautiful health and wellness.
We call it “Getting Sweetoxified” . It is a Self Love and Self Care Experience that enhances the overall Wellness of the Mind, Body, Soul and of course A Wombman’s Sweetest Spot!
What's so sweet about us
Girl !
Give me the SweetTea!
I have heard about it, but this is different from just Yoni Steaming
This is Sacred Divine Feminine Healing
I got to try this!