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Ionic Foot Detox with Chakra Crystal Gem Scrub
  • Ionic Foot Detox with Chakra Crystal Gem Scrub

    Ionic Foot Detox with Chakra Crystal Gem Scrub


    Includes: Herbal Foot Soak Herbal Salt & Essential Oil Foot Scrub add on Xtra Sweetness on top $25💕 ​Deluxe Crystal Gemstone Scrub & crystal rock chakra grounding



    Our Sweetoxifying Foot Detox baths were created to clear the body of harmful toxins that enter through the soles of our feet that we all accumulate every day. The therapeutic detox treatment assists with eliminating the body of toxins from pollution in the air, the chemicals in our food, our hair and skin products, the water we drink and even the chemicals in fabrics we wear all contain toxicity. Harmful toxins build up in our system and can be cleared by the Sweetoxifying power of detoxification. We are always exposed to toxins and heavy metals throughout our daily living which makes this detox therapy treatment essential. 



    There are many effects of our SWEETOX Foot Detox Bath. It is a herbal and therapeutic process that can aid in naturally detoxing your lymphatic system within the body and promotes blood circulation which is very beneficial for the liver, kidneys and the colon.



    SERVICE TIME: 30 mins (additional time added to your primary Sweet VTox Steam)

    COST OF WELLNESS SERVICE: $75.00  This is an add-on wellness service in combination with your Sweet VTox Steam.  *Flexible spending account (FSA/HSA) Eligible

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